Group Counseling

Lunch Bunch 

I work at a school with a population of 600 students in grades pre k- fifth grade.   I try to meet with each student in grades 1 - 5 in a lunch bunch setting at least one time during the school year.   I build relationships with students as well as promote oral language development (one of our school goals in our student improvement plan) in students by playing games to promote conversations.  

                                                 Conversation cubes 
                                      Thumb balls 

When I was unexpectedly videoed a couple of years ago, I was meeting with a lunch bunch group.  The students were playing Feelings Candyland.  As you can students love lunch bunch and this is a great way to build relationships.

I Love Running Groups

I love being creative and using the arts in my groups.  Below are some of my projects in which I incorporated the arts.

Self Esteem 

Students created me dolls and wrote messages about why they are so smart.  I typed up the messages and added them to the front of their doll.  I used cardboard as the back of the board so that it could be sturdy.  The girls then used construction paper to create the clothes and string and yarn to create hair.  The girls had the option of using their picture on the face.  I took their picture and added it on the front.  The pictures below are before the pictures were added.  

1 comment:

  1. Appreciable and informative. I visited it the very first time. And I appreciate your hard work. You can see my site if you want to find more on School Counseling. Many children are victim of bullying which effects their life badly. School Counseling is a professional activity, delivered by qualified practitioners in schools. Counsellors offer stressed children and young people an opportunity to explore and understand their difficulties confidentiality.
